Log SpecMan4EPR has a special system to notify user about internal events. Messages can be shown in the 'Log Window' and/or saved to file. Each new message that added to the log window also appears for a short time in the status bar at the bottom. The length of the window is limited. When the limit is reached window is cleared. To preserve all messages logging to file is recommended. Logging settings can be modified in Options dialog.

Each message has four properties: level, time of posting, sender's name and text. Appearance of the message can be configured in the message format section of the Options dialog.

There are four different levels of the message: 'Error' (E), 'Warning' (W), 'Notify' (N) and 'Echo'. All critical events are sent as errors and causes the termination of the experiment if it is running. Warnings report non-critical problems such as adaptation of values. Notify and Echo messages are mostly used for debugging purpose.

Error messages always appear in the window whereas messages with other levels can be shown depending on the settings of message filter.

All modules of SpecMan4EPR have their own unique names. Devices send messages under the names that assigned in Device Configuration dialog.

Log window can be cleaned and saved from the context menu or toolbar.