To maintain versatility SpecMan4EPR stores information about instrument, graphic user interface and experiment in a variety of text-based Configuration Files. GUI of SpecMan4EPR provides extensive editing capabilities for these files. This section provides information for advanced users about the structure and location of configuration files.

For proper operation SpecMan4EPR requires four configuration files. INI file is automatically generated by SpecMan4EPR in the same directory as an executive file and control appearance of the software and environmental parameters. It is loaded once at the program start-up and is used for all spectrometer configurations. Users can create individual INI files reflecting their personal preferences.

CFG and CFP files store complete description of connected hardware and methods of pulse generation. These files are stored in a directory described in Interface configuration (INI) (typically cfg directory). The name of CFG and CFP files that belong to the same configuration is the same, while extension is different.

Configuration files related to single experiment are discussed in details in the Experiment section. These are TPL, template files and EXP, experiment files. Both files have an identical structure. TPL files are stored in tpl directory (or an alternative directory configured in Interface configuration (INI)). EXP files together with D01, data files, are used to store experimental results and located in a directory of user choice. An alternative storing format used is TDMS but loader for this format is not implemented.

Description File Extension
GUI Configuration *.ini
Devices Configuration *.cfg
Pulse Engine Configuration *.cfp
Experiment Template *.tpl
Experiment *.exp; *.d01; *.tdms

INI, CFG and CFP files are generally created during software installation and do not require modifications. EXP and TPL files are created by end user.