INI file is automatically generated by SpecMan4EPR and has settings of the program interface and internal engines. The settings of internal engines are applied only locally, i.e. only when program runs in Server mode. All settings can be modified from Options dialog. It is better to avoid manual modification of this file. By default the ini file that has the same name as SpecMan4EPR executable is loaded. To load arbitrary INI file use -I<file name> switch of command line. To reset INI file to default values delete INI file before the program start.

The content of INI file can be found on the ini tab in the main window.

Example of INI file is listed below.

Configuration file example:

[dir] tpldir=E:\Specman\tpl cfgdir=E:\Specman\cfg expdir=E:\Boris\ [lastsetup] cfgfile=E:\Specman\cfg\SpecMan1.cfg [extensions] tplext=tpl expcfg=exp datcfg=d01 cfgext=cfg logext=log [logging] logfile=E:\SpecMan\Output\SpecMan.log Log2Window=1 Log2File=0 NotifyImmidiately=0 Priority=3 ShowFlags=5 StopOnError=1 QueueSize=500 filter0= [autosave] asavedir=