Description of devices connected to SpecMan4EPR is located in CFG file. CFG file has a standard Windows ini-file style. Names of sections and keys are case insensitive. Values in many cases are case sensitive.

CFG file consists of two main parts: spectrometer configuration and device and interface configuration sections.

Spectrometer configuration section [spectrometer] consists of 3 keys.






The name of configuration.


space separated strings

Names of connected devices. All symbols except whitespaces are allowed in the name. Names of devices can be arbitrary.


space separated strings

Names of interfaces. Names of interfaces are restricted by the list of supported interfaces

The content of CFG file can be found on the ini tab in the main window. Use Device configuration wizard to browse and modify the device configuration.

Configuration file example:

[spectrometer] configname = Name of the configuration devices = DG1 DG2 ADC interfaces =NIVISA