Text of selection: Device identifier
Icon meaning: Driver state: Normal, Suspended, Disabled, Error

Select device identifier to get access to these options.

This panel allows to Disable/Enable, Suspend and Delete selected device from configuration. The disabled and suspended devices are not receiving any commands. However the suspended device driver does not interrupt the communication with the device and thus not needed to re-initialize it, when activated. If there are devices in the Error state, experiment will not be executed. Devices in Disabled state do not stop experiment from being executed.
Device drivers contain number of options, which affect their performace. These options can be edited using this control. Left-click on the key to see the hint with the help. Devices that connected through the interface also contain in this list options of the interface.
The list of interfaces that device driver uses. The status of interfaces is also indicates. The possible states are: Not found - interface libraries are not found, Not ready - interface is not ready and Ready. If device (typically a just added device) uses the interface that is not included into the configuration the Create button has to be pressed.